Sharing some sadness
A lot has happened since my last share in January, which I am not ready to share now.
However, I wpild like to share with all of you, without feeling shame or guilt: I had to say goodbye to one of my familiars, my cat Binoo. We adopted her when she was 6 years old. She was a very skittish cat but oddly got along with the dogs, Spike and Tikaani. We were getting ready to say goodbye to Spike, who sadly had Degenerative Myelopathy. His departure would leave a major love gap in our family and we decided to adopt an older cat before his departure. She was filled with love and happiness. And although she was loving and social, she refused to be held or picked up.
A couple of years ago, she started defecating outside the box. We didn't notice immediately since she was hiding it in inconspicuous places and it seemed random at first. When we finally decided it was time we said our goodbyes she could no longer poo properly. In the consultation, we concluded that she too likely had Degenerative Myelopathy since her back legs could no longer hold her up properly and her back end looked like it was losing life; her fur was thinning, not bushy and nice like before. I miss her dearly.
So we are left with Tikaani and Archie. Tikaani is getting older but still in good health. She'll be 11 this year.
I leave you all with this!
Blessed Be
Love you all
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